Business intelligence in Retail

Business Intelligence Software in the Retail Industry

In the increasingly competitive and fast changing retail industry, retailers need to use all the tools at their disposal to operate more efficiently and increase revenue. Faced with mounting pressure to enter new sales channels, changing consumer demands, and continuing globalisation, retail companies need information management solutions that allow them to make better business decisions.
Retailers handle immense amounts of information – everything from supply chains to
sales information to store operations. It’s hard to keep track of important information and
even to know which information is valuable, and retail companies need the tools to take
the advantage of the myriad information at their disposal. The information technology available today allows retailers to make better business decisions and to better target performance goals. MicroStrategy offers the retail industry the business intelligence software to report on, analyse, and monitor the vast amounts of data through a business intelligence architecture that helps companies reduce costs, increase revenue, and maximise the value of information.
Companies in every major retail segment, including apparel, discount retailers, department stores, discount drugstores, electronics, home improvement, speciality retailers, and speciality grocers, take advantage of the benefits of MicroStrategy’s business intelligence software.

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